How to Get Lean: 25 Ways to Lose Fat Faster
Now is the perfect time to kick our workout routines into high gear—and actually make some significant progress toward reaching our ultimate get-lean goals.
We know you that you want to get rid of that last bit of subcutaneous layer of blubber in order to finally uncover that cut body you've got hidden underneath. We recently asked readers: If you could get to transform your body overnight, would you pump up your shoulders, get a huge chest or a go for a serious six-pack?
The answer? None of the above: 43% of you said that you'd want an "overall fat-free physique" rather than a single bigger or better body part — and we want to help you get down to your fighting weight.
We asked some of the best and brightest trainers and experts about the best ways to jumpstart fat loss and compiled our results in three sections: Training-Based Tips, Diet-Based Tips, and Lifestyle-Based Tips. You'll have to work hard for every ounce, of course, but we can promise you—the results will be hella worth it.
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